Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Good. The Bad. And the Sleepy.

Do you ever forget something that you know? I'm not talking about momentary lapses. I've got plenty of those with chemo and "chemo-brain" right now. Times when I can't remember even what the tattoo on my finger, my most important one, means. But I'm talking about important life lessons that you learned at some point and had forgotten.

I guess forgotten, in this instance, isn't even the correct wording. Should I get to the point? Yeah. Probably should get to the point. Tonight my friend Liana posted a status update on Facebook that mentioned a scripture verse. It's a verse I've known for a long time but, as I re-read it, suddenly hit me as one of the simplest expressions of how I'm trying to deal with life right now.

"After looking at the way things are on this earth, here's what I've decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life. And that's about it. That's the human lot. Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what's given and delighting in the work. It's God's gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now. It's useless to brood over how long we might live."
This week looks to be more complicated than I'd like. (I have no idea why this font looks different than the previous paragraphs on some of your systems. Sorry.) One of my co-workers is out this week and all or our schedules are screwy. Today I work Midnight to 8:00 am. Tomorrow I work 2:00 am until 10:00 am, then my long day of chemo starts at 10:15 am which should finish around 5:00pm. Back to work from Midnight Thursday morning until 8:00 am again. Happily attending Spam-A-Lot with my wife Thursday evening at 8:00 pm. Then work Friday from 7:00 am until 3:00 pm. It's not terrible, except for Wednesday. Really I'm a little afraid about surviving Wednesday. So I guess I'm throwing out the old "prayer-request".

In some of the greatest news we've received recently, Kristin and I were approved for a duplex. We'll be moving soon. It's further out in Thurston but it's much cheaper in rent and has a garage for our crap and a fenced yard... for Belle's crap. Kristin's Mom and Dad are even giving us their old washer and dryer. Only God could have put this place in our lap.


sarah said...

font is Arial instead of Verdana - sometimes blogspot flips out and does that.

that's a great quote. from this side, seeing how you "seem" to be dealing with all this crap and choosing joy like you are, i don't know that i would think you'd forgotten that. but i'm not in your head and i don't really know how you're dealing with all this crap. only you know and i only know what you choose to share with me. i know that i admire for the brave face you put on and for choosing joy in such circumstances, when so many, who have it so much easier (myself included) whine and moan about how horrible life is for us. i'm trying to take a page from your book Aaron, you are wise beyond your years.

it's Wednesday. it's 1/4 till Nine. i will be up for some time. IF YOU NEED ME TO COME IN, CALL!! i cannot offer much, other than moral support, prayers and my ass in that chair in place of yours, should you need it.

i'm happy about the duplex, that's great news.

sarah said...

also.. you sound a lot like John Popper (love it)

jerry said...

Just saying hello and GOD BLESS you in your valley.I'm praying for you.

jerry said...

Iamplaying your brother in law on iyt

NorthwestDarren said...

Congrats Kristin & Aaron on the new duplex. God does provide. The comments from Jerry, he is an internet friend of mine through itsyourturn.com a game site. You should check it out. He is a brother in Christ too and his wife died last year, so he knows what you're going through.

NorthwestDarren said...
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