Friday, April 27, 2007

humble bumble

I am constantly finding myself humbled in both expected and unexpected places.

This week I watched American Idol on Wednesday night with my lovely wife. I found myself brought to tears by images that we all tend to avoid. Children suffering. Children in Africa, New Orleans, Kentucky... around the world. I watched common celebrities with passion in their eyes that I had not seen before. I was humbled.

My wife shows love for me in ways and at levels I was previously unaware of. She cares. She hurts when I hurt. As I've struggled to find a job, she has struggled. Not with anxiety. But with frustration for me and my frustration. She has been there in ever step and every breath making sure I know that she loves me. I am humbled.

Today I listened to a friends music for the millionth time and cried. His lyrics are brilliant and his voice has a rare urgency that you cannot hear if you turn on your radio. I am humbled.

God gave me a beautiful day. There are lots of things I don't have. There are worries and problems. But God remembered me today and showed me light. I am humbled.

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